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Oh Lord, make me special make my testimony special, let the avalanche of your miracles separate me into a special class my work and career will be different, my son and daughter and my family

Oh Lord, Let virtue flow everywhere I place this mantle, virtue flows to where I lay this mantle on...

Open your hands and prophesy, my hands become miracle hands, my hand recieve divine touch, recieve divine virtue, anywhere i lay this hands touch let there be a divine change, let virtue flow

John 10:10 In Jesus' name, I prophesy abundant life on myself, my children, my job, my family, my destiny, my home, let there be abundance, divine abundance...

In this service we are bless by the preaching of Pastor Paul Femi-Emmanuel on the Topic of The importance of sacrifice in spiritual growth and transition. Sacrifice demands letting go of present identities for new ones, leading to complete dominion and destiny fulfillment. Sacrifice goes beyond monetary offerings. It involves a deeper transformation and surrender of self, shaping one's future identity and relationship with God. The transformative and painful nature of sacrifice. It is a necessary process for spiritual development, maturity, and performance in alignment with God's plan...

The importance of hard work, engagement, and diligence in achieving success and prosperity. Continuous effort, discipline, and persistence are necessary to maintain success and avoid poverty. Emphasizing the role of principles such as hard work, knowledge utilization, and proactive actions in achieving and sustaining success. The five key components of Dominion mentioned in the message are: To be fruitful, To multiply. To replenish. To subdue. To have Dominion...

Importance of seeking God and paying the price for connection. Seeking God until found and obeying Him leads to the manifestation of His power in one's life. Availability of God's power to all believers. The power to demonstrate God's presence and make a difference is accessible to every child of God. Connecting to God's power through Jesus Christ. Accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior is the foundational step to accessing and operating in God's supernatural power...

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